Monday, 28 January 2013

Rough Cut Viewer Responses

After we posted our Rough cut video on the blog, we asked a few people to watch what we had and to give their thoughts and opinions on what was good and what is needed to improve it.


- Good lighting
- Good Mise-en-scene
- A varied amount of shots
- Good use of close-ups of Lead Singer/Instruments
- Quick Cutting


- Large blank sections where narrative should be.

Developing Digipak - My Panel (Rough Edits)

I have taken these screenshots to document the progress of me making the rough edit of the back panel of the Digipak. I used a pre taken image as a template.

1st Edit

Added: Image of guitar amp ripped off of Google Images. Edited in Photoshop using Render > Lighting Effects. Black Background.

2nd Edit

Added: Copyright text and other misc. album info at the bottom (4 px).

3rd Edit

Added: Song listings with length of song (12 px) White outline using "Stroke" tool.

4th Edit

Changes: Flipped Amp image so the song listings are more visible. Shrunk the bottom text to 3 px and moved web address to the centre and slightly more above the bottom text.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Postponed filming and Continuity issues.

We were going to film during the Saturday and Sunday before this post. However, because of the recent weather (Heavy Snow and Ice), we were unable to film during that weekend.

Furthermore, we now face an issue involving the continuity of the narrative section on the music video. We have yet to film all of the narrative shots and the ones we have is the middle part of the narrative. This means that if we were to film the rest of the narrative, it would go from Snowy (new scene), Cloudy (old scene) and back to Snowy (new scene).

In the end we decided to go ahead with filming and try and work around the inconsistency as much as possible, maybe re-filming if the snow melts and if we have enough time.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Filming: 1st Scene of Narrative

On the 17th of January, we decided to try and film one of the scenes for the narrative section of the music video. The part we decided to film is the "thief scene". We filmed at one of the actors neighbourhood for ease of access. The location wasn't a too important factor in the storyboard so we went with the easiest option.

The most of the props were provided by the actor of the scene i.e. Car, heavy box. We made the "Ski mask/Balaclava" out of an old beanie hat and cut holes in it for the eyes. It's not a brilliant job but we hope it's convincing enough for the brief moment it was on screen.

This scene is a one take scene, so we don't have an extreme variety of shots. Because it was filmed with  a GoPro camera latched onto the head of the cameraman, this scene was one long P.O.V shot like the rest of the narrative scenes will be.

Shooting that day went well, for the brief time we actually filmed. After we finished with the scene preparations, it wasn't long before we got the clips that we needed. We filmed it three times in order to make sure we got at least one try right and we did.