Thursday, 17 January 2013

Filming: 1st Scene of Narrative

On the 17th of January, we decided to try and film one of the scenes for the narrative section of the music video. The part we decided to film is the "thief scene". We filmed at one of the actors neighbourhood for ease of access. The location wasn't a too important factor in the storyboard so we went with the easiest option.

The most of the props were provided by the actor of the scene i.e. Car, heavy box. We made the "Ski mask/Balaclava" out of an old beanie hat and cut holes in it for the eyes. It's not a brilliant job but we hope it's convincing enough for the brief moment it was on screen.

This scene is a one take scene, so we don't have an extreme variety of shots. Because it was filmed with  a GoPro camera latched onto the head of the cameraman, this scene was one long P.O.V shot like the rest of the narrative scenes will be.

Shooting that day went well, for the brief time we actually filmed. After we finished with the scene preparations, it wasn't long before we got the clips that we needed. We filmed it three times in order to make sure we got at least one try right and we did.

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