Monday, 1 October 2012


Postmodernism is a movement that began in the 1970's. In a nutshell Postmodernism is the breakdown of barriers between genre's and styles, often combining genre's that wouldn't normally mesh together i.e. Sci-fi/Western.

A common theme of Postmodernism is the use of Intertexuality. Intertexuality is where one form of media references another form, whether it pays homage to it or mocks it through a parody. When a video flat out imitates it, it is known as a Pastiche.

Video Examples of Postmodernism:

The Darkness's music video of their song "I believe in a thing called love" is littered with plenty of references to Sci-Fi, among other things. The music video takes place mostly on a ship flying through space, a staple in any Sci-Fi movie to begin with. The interior of the spaceship looks identical to the interior of the USS Enterprise, a spaceship belonging to the Star Trek franchise.

For a short moment of the music video, there is a small reference to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", with the floating, disembodied heads superimposed into the background signing along to the lyrics.

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